
RiverBluff Sanctuary Upcoming Classes Flyer

CE's and Refund Policy

Participants who enroll in Exploring the Vagus System and Biodynamic Approach to CST are eligible to receive 18 CE’s from NCBTMB. These classes meet for 6 half days or 3 full days. Participants who enroll in Zapchen or Healing Arts and Ethics are eligible to receive 6 CEs.

In order to receive CE’s and certificates, the student must attend all sections of the class. Make-ups for missed classes can be arranged. Payments can be made online through the website, through Venmo (@Janet-Evergreen) or by sending a check in the mail.

Refund policy – Classes are limited in size and require payment to confirm your registration. If class has not already begun and we can refill the spot, we are happy to give a full refund minus $50 or use your full payment for a future class. Exception for Birthing Yourself and PPN – If the workshop/class is more than a month away and we can refill the spot, we will give a full refund minus $50. Less than a month away, no refunds will be given unless your spot fills.

Intake Forms


Location & Directions

Map to RiverBluff SanctuaryRiverBluff Sanctuary

RiverBluff Sanctuary is located at #115 RiverBluff Circle. Our light green house is on the right just past house #116 (the house numbers are not in order). When you arrive, walk through our driveway and down the outside stairs on the left all the way to the ground level. Our neighborhood has limited street parking. If the space in front of my house is open, you may park there. Take care to not block the neighbors driveway. Extra parking is indicated in yellow on the map. If you need a space in our driveway, call (434) 906-4181.
Click here for directions from Google Maps

Subscribe for information on classes, meditation retreats and other news.

Exploring the Vagus System: The Health That is Never Lost

Part 1, 2 and 3

Students learning at a massage tableNCBTMBThrough study of the Vagus nerve, learn the importance of self-regulation of the Triune Polyvagal Nervous System and increase your understanding of the fight, flight and freeze patterns wired into body memory. Experience how gentle touch can facilitate co-regulation by connecting and repairing the social nervous system. This supports healing, accurate perception and development of healthy boundaries.

Part 1

Learn how to listen deeply, gently touching through the body layers with kind loving presence to support healing from stress, fear and shock. Slow guided explorations will help renegotiate relationship to past present and future, for Self and with others. Beginning with skin, connective tissue, kidney/adrenals, brainstem and gut you will discover systems of inherent health that move in the direction of wellness.

Part 2

Deepen your understanding of each individual’s healing matrix, explore how to release trauma from falls, work with the vestibular brain for balance and coordination, contact the kindness of the heart and mediastinum, and learn to balance the endocrine system in relationship with the Polyvagus system.

Part 3

Learn to work with boundary issues, double binds, and trauma coupling. With these skills you will increase your awareness of how early developmental and basic human needs can be met through appropriate touch while healing recent injury or trauma.

Each part: $300
NCBTMB 18 CE’s per part

3-day Weekend 9am-5pm EST in person at Riverbend Counseling, Charlottesville, VA
Part 3
Sat, Nov 9 – Mon, Nov 11, 2024       Registration Payment
Mondays 2-5pm EST/EDT* in person with RITT Fellows at Riverbend Counseling, Charlottesville, VA
Part 2
Oct 21; Nov 1 (Fri), 4, 18, 25; Dec 2, 2024
*meets once on a Friday
Registration Payment
Part 3
Feb 3, 10, 17, 24; Mar 3, 10, 2025 Registration Payment


Organs and the Vagus System

Students learning at a massage tableNCBTMBWith gentle touch, learn to explore mobility, motility, caving, recoil, arcing and other techniques to facilitate healing of the liver, stomach, kidneys, bladder, colon and their interrelationship with CNS body/brain. We will explore sound and movement, structure and emotion to discover our inherent well-being and potency. We will draw on teachings by Dr. Tom Shaver, Dr. Jean Pierre Barral, Teri Lee and Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen. Learn visceral manipulation to balance organs for yourself and others. Listen to the innate healing wisdom of the body.

Each part: $300

3-day Weekend 9am-5pm EST in person at Calming Waves, Virginia Beach, VA
Organs & the Vagus System
Fri, Feb 21-Sun, Feb 23, 2025 Registration Payment

Biodynamic Approach to Craniosacral Therapy

Part 1, 2 and 3

Students working togetherNCBTMBCraniosacral Therapy classes are taught with a biodynamic orientation—an appreciation to listen deeply, go slow, and allow the body’s inherent well-being to lead the process.



Part 1

We learn concepts for healing by listening to our fluid body and its inherent potency with a 12-step protocol. Simple, fun Zapchen exercises create a dynamic field for our group process. Texts, models and demonstrations of cognitive and practical skills show how to support well-being in tissue, bones, muscles and organs. Students learn to facilitate the cranial-sacral pump and to increase movement in the sutures of the skull, the sacrum, and the dural tube with respect that is non-invasive and allows a natural process of healing to unfold.

Part 2

We will review the materials in Part One and enhance skills in balancing cranial base dysfunctions between the sphenoid and occiput. There will be an introduction to the hard palate, with gentle touch inside the mouth to balance the maxillae, palatines, zygomatic bones and vomer. Students will learn appropriate dialogue and mediation skills to use with their clients to reduce stress and promote healing. Janet will demonstrate how CST benefits babies and teach a basic infant protocol. Zapchen exercises will continue to support a dynamic and lively field for learning and growing.

Part 3

We review Part One and Part Two and learn strain/counter-strain, emotional process and trauma resourcing, and develop the skills to effectively work with others in a healing team. Each class begins with Zapchen somatic skills to develop perception followed by 90 minutes of touch skills practice. We will explore how to listen for the inherent treatment plan of each client, study trauma responses and techniques to restore health and deepen our understanding of the motility of the central nervous system. At the end of each day, we gather as a group for discussion and Q&A.

Each part: $300
NCBTMB 18 CE’s per part

Thursdays 9am-12pm EST/EDT, in-person at Riverbend Counseling, Charlottesville, VA
CST Part 2
Aug 29, Sept 5, 12, Oct 3, 17, 24 Registration Payment
CST Part 3 Oct 31, Nov 7, 14, 21, Dec 5, 12 Registration Payment
Saturday-Monday 9am-5pm EDT, in-person at Riverbend Counseling, Charlottesville, VA
CST Part 1
April 5-7, 2025 Registration Payment
CST Part 2 May 24-26, 2025 Registration Payment


Zapchen Support Group

People stretching while in a lotus positionNCBTMBZapchen is a practice of simple exercises for development and change for yourself, family or your clients. The exercises are playful, never forced, and profound. They point to possibilities of change and maturation deeper than we can guess. Zapchen gives real and immediate access to the possibility of well-being. This group supports gentle, radical levels of change in the face of the fascinations of old habits of worry, pain, misery, depression and the other common challenges of the human condition. Beneficial for honoring relationship with oneself and with others. We learn together to generate and contain creativity and potency in life.

Spring 2025 Texts: Study and practice somatic exercises from Embodying WellBeing by teacher Julie Henderson, Ph.D.

Proceeds from this class go to INEPE, a whole-child community school in Quito, Ecuador.
To submit your donation to Zapchen class, select the button below. When submitting your donation, please add the note “Zapchen class” in the additional instructions box before completing payment.

NCBTMB 6 CEs per series

Mondays 5:30-6:30pm EST/EDT by Zoom
Zapchen Spring 8-week Series March 17, 24, 31, April, 7, 14, 21, 28,
May 5, 2025


Somatic Dialogue for Relationship Attunement and Attachment

Part 1

In this class, Janet and Howard Evergreen share their life experience of 50 years together. With their guidance and humor, you will learn to settle yourself with mindfulness techniques and Zapchen somatic exercises. Explore your Attachment Style and how to strengthen secure attachment. Using the process in the book, you will understand how to repair relationships with your loved ones during difficult times. Reading Hold Me Tight by Dr. Sue Johnson is recommended. For individuals OR couples.

Part 2

This is an on-going adventure for those wanting to continue to explore Zapchen and Somatic Dialogue. Pre-requisite for this series is that you have attended this group before with Janet and Howard, and reading Hold Me Tight by Dr. Sue Johnson is required.

Part 3

Continue the somatic exploration. Pre-requisite for this series is that you have attended this group before with Janet and Howard, and reading Hold Me Tight by Dr. Sue Johnson is required.


Each part:

In person or by Zoom
Somatic Dialogue
Parts 1 and 2
Dates TBD Request


Sundays 4-6pm EST/EDT by Zoom
Somatic Dialogue Part 3
(ongoing closed group)
Sept 15, Oct 6, 20, Nov 3, 17, Dec 1     Registration* Payment

*If you have already filled out a Registration Form for Parts 1 & 2, you don’t need to fill it out again, unless you would like to share updated information

Birthing Yourself Process Workshop

Participants have the opportunity to heal and re-pattern early experiences and then bring this healing to their current primary relationships and life. Each participant has an approximately 1.5 to 2.5 hour turn to explore her/his own physical and emotional patterns from prenatal, birth or early origin.

Each turn is unique and participants may also make important discoveries from other periods of their life. The intention of each participant is the guiding theme for the individual turn.

This workshop is also helpful for professionals who wish to experience the profound changes possible with group presence, at times embodying family constellations for healing of prenatal, birth and attachment issues. This is directly applicable to most professional therapeutic practice involving the healing arts. 

Learn More About Birthing Yourself

Pre and Perinatal Study Group

Glowing image of two ovaCo-facilitated by Janet Evergreen and Tonya Ridings, LCSW

Two-year training covered in 11 Modules, supporting healthy attachment and repair.

Recommended for bodyworkers, therapists, health professionals, midwives, doulas and somatic educators.

Beneficial for supporting yourself and/or those working with children, adults, families or couples and those supporting the childbearing and early years.

Learn More About PPN

Mommies and Babies

Janet with two babiesEach baby has pure innate wisdom and ways they communicate what they know and need. This group will learn non-verbal listening with Biodynamic CranialSacral concepts, Touch Skills, and fun, easy Zapchen exercises. Janet will share her favorite practical and easy ways to balance and center our selves. With these skills, moms can tune in to their baby and themselves. Using these principles in families, often parents and other family members notice that their relationships with each other improve and are enriched.

We will read and discuss a 20-page booklet by Myrna Martin, Birth and Attachment: How to Totally Support Your Baby from Here On.

Dates TBD

Healing Arts and Ethics

Pink flowersFor massage therapists and those interested in how to set safe boundaries and understand the issues of transference and counter transference. We look at ethics in private practice and review Code of Ethics, including the NCBTMB Standard V requirement. With respect for diverse spiritual paths and ethics, we study the Buddhist Bodhisattva vows and Judeo-Christian teachings.


Cost: $85

Sundays 2-5pm EST/EDT in person
Healing Arts & Ethics April 21, 28       Registration Payment

Biodynamic Approach to Craniosacral Therapy—SuperVision Group

A butterfly among red flowersNCBTMBPrerequisite: Must have a private practice and have taken Vagus and Craniosacral Therapy Courses. This class is for practitioners to receive client supervision, group support and deepen their learning. We will use the SuperVision model developed by Myrna Martin, based on Pre and Perinatal Psychology/Attachment issues and include Touch Skills by Kathy Kain to support learning. There will be whole group sharing, Q&A, and small groups of three to take turns giving and receiving support.

Suggested Reading: The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy by Deb Dana, Seven Core Issues in Adoption & Permanency by Sharon Roszia, What Happened to You by Oprah Winfrey

18 NCBTMB CE’s available

Friday Morning Supervision 9:00am-12:00pm (ongoing closed group)
Oct 18, Nov 8, 2024; Feb 14, Mar 14, Apr 11, May 9, June 13, 2025 Payment
Friday Afternoon Supervision 2:00-5:00pm (ongoing closed group)
Oct 25, Nov 22, 2024; Jan 24, Feb 28, Mar 28, Apr 25, May 23, 2025 Payment

Additional Services and Items

Payment for Additional Services
Other Amount

Lavender daisyAs noted above, we prefer if you pay by Venmo, Zelle, or check. If you need to pay with PayPal for private sessions, books, or other items, please use these directions:

  1. Log in to your PayPal account, go to Tools, and click Send Money.
  2. Enter
  3. Enter amount to be transferred from bank account.
  4. Send it on.
  5. Or you can use the PayPal button to the right.